
This is a simple text-based Tron game implemented in Python. The game consists of two players navigating a grid, leaving trails behind them. If a player runs into a trail, they lose the game.

Game Features:

  • 2 players (Player 1 and Player 2)
  • A grid that displays the players and their trails
  • Players lose if they collide with their own or their opponent’s trail

Python Code

```python import os import time

Define the grid size


Define the players’ positions and directions

player1_pos = [1, 1] player2_pos = [GRID_WIDTH - 2, GRID_HEIGHT - 2] player1_dir = (1, 0) # Starts moving right player2_dir = (-1, 0) # Starts moving left

Define the grid and players’ trails

grid = [[’ ‘ for _ in range(GRID_WIDTH)] for _ in range(GRID_HEIGHT)] player1_trail = [player1_pos[:]] player2_trail = [player2_pos[:]]

def clear_screen(): os.system(‘cls’ if os.name == ‘nt’ else ‘clear’)

def display_grid(): clear_screen() for y in range(GRID_HEIGHT): for x in range(GRID_WIDTH): if [x, y] == player1_pos: print(‘1’, end=’’) elif [x, y] == player2_pos: print(‘2’, end=’’) elif [x, y] in player1_trail: print(‘+’, end=’’) elif [x, y] in player2_trail: print(‘*’, end=’’) else: print(‘ ‘, end=’’) print() print()

def update_position(pos, direction): return [(pos[0] + direction[0]) % GRID_WIDTH, (pos[1] + direction[1]) % GRID_HEIGHT]

def check_collision(pos, trail1, trail2): return pos in trail1 or pos in trail2

Main game loop

def main(): global player1_pos, player2_pos, player1_dir, player2_dir

while True:
    # Update player positions
    player1_pos = update_position(player1_pos, player1_dir)
    player2_pos = update_position(player2_pos, player2_dir)

    # Check for collisions
    if check_collision(player1_pos, player1_trail, player2_trail):
        print("Player 2 Wins!")
    if check_collision(player2_pos, player2_trail, player1_trail):
        print("Player 1 Wins!")

    # Add new positions to trails

    # Display updated grid

    # Wait for a short time before the next frame

if name == “main”: main()