2D Arrays
Explanation of the 2018 AP CSA FRQ - Question 4 (Part B)
Prior Knowledge
Helper Methods in the Problem
• getColumn(int[][] arr2D, int c): Returns an array containing all elements in column c of a 2D array.
• containsDuplicates(int[] arr): Returns true if the array contains duplicate values.
• hasAllValues(int[] arr1, int[] arr2): Returns true if all elements in arr1 are present in arr2.
Latin Square Definition
• The first row has no duplicate values.
• All values in the first row appear in every row of the square.
• All values in the first row appear in every column of the square.
• The input array is guaranteed to be square (equal number of rows and columns).
• At least one row exists in the array.
public static boolean isLatin(int[][] square)
if (containsDuplicates(square[0]))
return false;
for (int r = 1; r < square.length; r++)
if (!hasAllValues(square[0], square[r]))
return false;
for (int c = 0; c < square[0].length; c++)
if (!hasAllValues(square[0], getColumn(square, c)))
return false;
return true;
Explanation of the Solution
Checking the First Row for Duplicates
• The method starts by using containsDuplicates(square[0]) to ensure that the first row contains no duplicate values. If duplicates are found, the square cannot be a Latin square.
Validating Rows and Columns Against the First Row
• The method checks that all the values in the first row appear in every other row and column. It uses hasAllValues(square[0], square[i]) for rows and hasAllValues(square[0], getColumn(square, i)) for columns to verify this.
Returning the Final Result
• If all checks pass, the method returns true, meaning the input is a Latin square. If any check fails, it returns false.
Meets the Latin Square Requirement
• No duplicates in the first row.
• All rows contain the same values as the first row.
• All columns contain the same values as the first row.